There are more than 250 students from all walks of life in the Computer and Information Technology program at Gateway ...
The series explores the diversity and ingenuity of these longstanding suburban communities, highlighting issues that demand ...
One of the hardest things about stepping into any community is making sure we’re not forcing capital on them, but that they ...
You can often find Mike behind the bar at Longfellow, 1233 Clay Street, in OTR, or two blocks away at Mid-City Restaurant, 40 ...
Across the region, there's a big disparity in how long people live. Nearly 90 years, on average, in Indian Hill and Mason, but barely over 60 in Arlington Heights and Adams County. That's nearly 30 ...
Boone Conservancy, a Burlington-based, 26-year-old organization that protects natural habitats and cultural resources across ...
Since 1835, Cincinnati’s Mercantile Library has provided unique educational and personal-enrichment opportunities through an eclectic array of books and periodicals that helped keep its members ...
The city of Middletown stands at an inflection point. Local and regional government and business leaders reversed the ravages of the loss of manufacturing and other-blue collar jobs and the late 2000s ...
Cincinnati’s first-ring suburbs face unique challenges. Changing demographics, economic stability, and issues regarding resources and security are common threads among these jurisdictions. The ways ...