My customer is requesting if we can provide the curve of the capacitive load according to overshoot for the device LT1014A. We would need to measure that curve as we currently do not have that. Your ...
I need to use the IBIS model of OPA858 chip for simulation. If possible, please send me the IBIS model via email or let me know how to obtain the model IBIS models are created to simulate PCB behavior ...
I am searching for forward converter driver IC. I want my input voltage in the range of 100-160 volts and output voltage of 24 volts. But I am not able to be found. My output power needed for ...
While debugging the code powered through an external power supply, the device encountered a problem where it is held in reset.Below is the message we received from ...
my question is not micricontroller specific, but a general programming question about header files, project structure and the error I got. #10056 symbol "autoip_arp ...
I am using AM2634 MCU in that i am working on the SDL_MCRC_FULL CPU examples I have few doubt's on this example. 1. In the below image you are Taking the data and you are doing CRC. so, Instead of ...
I recently encountered an error while using USBTreeView, which states "Error reading descriptor : ERROR_INVALID_PARAMTER (due to a obscure limitation of the Win32 USB ...