Despite having a positive opinion about Öcalan's call, the respondents remain skeptical about whether the PKK will disarm.
The PKK leader’s calls for the group to disarm and dissolve is a step towards ending a 40-year conflict with the Turkish ...
The bitter experiences of the past century have proved that a progressive solution to the Kurdish question, which is ...
The Kurdish forces, then, appear to believe that swallowing this bitter pill is the only way to preserve their social base ...
Tehran’s recent setbacks have paved the way for Ankara’s ascent. The Ankara-backed Azerbaijan’s triumph over Tehran-backed ...
Hope rises to finally achieve peace after years of fighting following the PKK's cease-fire announcement both within Türkiye ...
Making peace with the PKK could also lead to a big advance in Erdogan’s mission to stabilise Syria under a friendly new ...
The regime, continuing its politics of polarization at full speed, has placed social opposition into the 'enemy' category.
Turkey on Thursday called on the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) to “immediately and unconditionally” disband and surrender its weapons, following a call by the group’s jailed founder Abdullah ...